Why do we learn maths?
At the end of their primary school journey at Ayrton, we believe that a successful mathematician:
- will be resilient and confident
- will build on prior learning to develop fluency and mastery
- will be problem solvers who can transfer those skills to solving problems in an array of contexts
- can apply their skills to reason clearly about maths and in an array of different contexts
- can work independently and collaboratively in order to share their skill sets with their peers and support each other to problem solve.
- will enjoy maths and seek further study as they progress through secondary school and beyond, continuing to build on their prior knowledge and understanding.
- have a strong and deep understanding of key mathematical concepts
Our approach
At Ayrton, mathematics is sequenced and planned using Mathematics Mastery. Our maths curriculum:
- builds upon learning and allows pupils to make deep connections across topics
- encourages the use of multiple representations, including concrete and pictorial representations to strengthen conceptual understanding
- focuses on children accessing and using accurate mathematical language to communicate and solve mathematical problems from EYFS through to Year 6
- consists of teacher led and collaborative modelling of different concepts and strategies which then leads to independent learning for children.
- enables children to build on prior learning ensuring opportunities for all to master maths, developing their fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills.
In order to measure success we:
- carry out daily purposeful assessment for learning, which enables teachers to address any misconceptions immediately and extend learning through challenge.
- ensure that children have a secure understanding of mathematical concepts before continuing to the next step and eventually reaching mastery.
- assess for each area of maths using pre and post diagnostic assessments which then informs planning
- carry out rigorous gaps analysis after summative assessments to plan next steps for all children
At Ayrton, mathematical learning is not just confined to maths lessons and opportunities for this can be found in science, computing and our Horizons topic work. Maths skills can also be applied to problem solving in real life contexts such as cooking and PE lessons and children are encouraged to take part in visits out of school to participate in workshops where able. Maths lessons are planned with real life contexts in mind so that children can apply their knowledge outside of school.
Curriculum Overview
Autumn | |
Early mathematical Experiences Pattern and early Number Numbers within 6 Addition and subtraction within 6 Measures Shape and sorting |
Spring | |
Numbers within 10 |
Summer | |
Securing addition and subtraction facts Number patterns within 20 Number patterns beyond 20 Money Measures Exploration of patterns within number |
Year 1
Autumn | |
Numbers to 10 |
Spring | |
Time Exploring calculation strategies within 20 Numbers to 50 Addition and subtraction within 20 Fractions Measures: Length and mass |
Summer | |
Numbers 50 to 100 and beyond Addition and subtraction Money Multiplication and division Measures: Capacity and volume |
Year 2
Autumn | |
Numbers within 100 Addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers Addition and subtraction word problems Measures: Length Graphs Multiplication and division: 2, 5, and 10 |
Spring | |
Time Fractions Addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers Money Face, shapes and patterns; lines and turns |
Summer | |
Numbers within 1000 Measures: Capacity and volume Measures: Mass Exploring calculation strategies Multiplication and division: 3 and 4 |
Year 3
Autumn | |
Number sense and exploring calculation strategies |
Spring | |
Multiplication and division Deriving multiplication and division facts Time Fractions |
Summer | |
Angles and shape Measures Securing multiplication and division Exploring calculation strategies and place value |
Year 4
Autumn | |
Reasoning with large numbers |
Spring | |
Securing multiplication facts Fractions Time Decimals Area and perimeter |
Summer | |
Solving measures and money problems Shape and symmetry Position and direction Reasoning with pattern and sequences 3-D shape |
Year 5
Autumn | |
Reasoning with large whole integers Integer addition and Subtraction Line graphs and timetables Multiplication and division Perimeter and area |
Spring | |
Fractions and decimals Angles Fractions and percentages Transformations |
Summer | |
Converting units of measure Calculating with whole numbers and decimals 2-D and 3-D shape Volume Problem solving |
Year 6
Autumn | |
Integers and decimals Multiplication and division Calculation problems Fractions Missing angles and length |
Spring | |
Coordinates and shapes Fractions Decimals and measure Percentage and statistics Proportion problems |
Maths News

Mathletics Leaderboard
A massive well done to Priael in Year 1 for making the Ark network's Mathletics leaderboard! An amazing achievement!